Friday, September 18, 2009


there are 6,772,510,351 people in the world as i start to write this.
there are 6,772,510,350 other people out there in the world besides me..
there are 6,772,510,350 other lives being lived..
there are 6,772,510,350 other hearts beating..
there are 6,772,510,350 other stories besides mine..
there are 6,772,510,350 other dreams out there..
there are 6,772,510,350 other people who could've at some point or will at some point have a broken heart..
there are 6,772,510,350 other accomplishments out there..
there are 6,772,510,350 other disappointments out there..
there are 6,772,510,350 other people who have had good days, and bad days.
i have been alive 8,102 days.
tomorrow will be 8,103.
each day counts.
each person counts.
i count.
you count.
and just think... God knows each person intimately.
can you do the math?
i can't..
God knows every single day that has passed in my life.
He knows where i was 1,345 days ago...I do not.
He knows what I was like when I was only 365 days old..I don't.
i think you get the point.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

ooh by the way there are now 6,772,512, 281 people in the world now.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

proverbs 29:18

without a vision people perish.
i don't want to perish.
God give me your eyes to see.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

i totally

have a love hate relationship with long island...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

i can totally identify

i can totally identify with the following passage that i'm going to quote. not only has this been a major lesson that i am still in the process of learning, but this has been one of the major things i've struggled with over the past couple years. being content where God has placed you...

"I longed to walk along an easy road,
And leave behind the dull routine of home,
Thinking in other fields to serve my God;
But Jesus said, "My time has not yet come."

I longed to sow the seed in other soil,
To be unfettered in the work, and free,
To join with other laborers in their toil;
But Jesus said, "Tis not My choice for thee."

I longed to leave the desert, and be led
To work where souls were sunk in sin and shame,
That I might win them, But the Master said,
"I have not called thee, publish here My name."

I longed to fight the battles of my King,
Lift high his standards in the thickest strife;
But my great Captain bade me wait and sing,
Songs of His conquests in my quiet life.

I longed to leave the uncongenial sphere,
Where all alone I seemed to stand and wait,
To feel I had some human helper near,
But Jesus bade me guard one lonely gate.

I longed to leave the round of daily toil,
Where no one seemed to understand or care;
But Jesus said, "I choose for thee this soil,
That thou might'st raise for Me some blossoms rare."

And now I have no longing but to do
At home, or else afar, His blessed will,
To work amid the many or the few;
Thus," choosing not to choose," my heart is still."

(From Streams in the desert.)

Isaiah 30:18 "Blessed are all they that wait for him."

I think this is even harder when you've gone out onto the "mission field."
I so long to be there. And the life I'm leading seems at time insignificant.
But God I pray you would use me, wherever.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

like you promised

the lyrics to come like you promised, amber brooks
Stir these stagnant waters of my soul Merge me with Your river which springs life I don’t have all the right words to say That will provoke You to want me Anymore than you already do
So won't You come Come like You promised Pour out Your Spirit Pour out Your Spirit
Come into my darkness where I hide Pull me into Your arms Your arms of peace Reaching past my hiding Oh, reach out to my running Oh, Lord, come fill my soul with Your love

You love like a Father You love like a brother You love like a Lion Fierce Like no other You violently chase me Down, to embrace me Engulf me
In who you are

i've been set on this song for weeks.
i identify with it on so many different levels.