Monday, August 31, 2009

encore encore encore

i'm in a bit of a bind here, you see i love technology, i love the fact that i can sit, type, and post my thoughts and feelings, but there's also something that i dislike about the internet. i feel like it's created a "demand" effect on my generation and others surrounding.
i feel like we are so used to clicking to get what we want, we want a faster internet speed, we want text messaging, and instant responses such as instant messaging or any other messaging system that mimics the previous format. however patience goes out the window. we expect more. we want more, and we aren't satisfied when we don't get what we want. we like short concise points, don't give us a book to read, give us the review, don't expect to confront people and talk, just send an email. don't play board games, sit on facebook and use the apps for online games. now i'm just rambling, but the point is i wish sometimes things would just slow down.

today was my first day of school again, so far success. we actually talked about the previous thought, supply and demand has expanded because of the internet. which in turn causes more effect on the environment. yeah that was geology.

i killed the biggest mosquito i've ever seen in my entire life tonight. holy west nile.

i went to a cute coffee shop "the spoon" tonight with a friend. we had fun.

i am so ready for breakthrough. i'm so thankful for the season i am now in. i'm trusting.

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